Electrical Suppliers


 Copyright - Durand & Associates  
for Commercial and Industrial Applications
Panel 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing panel schedules, load calculations, and circuit directories.  More Information



for Commercial and Industrial Applications

1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a 1-line drawing.

With this program you may have up 24 panels fed from the main switchboard. Each panel may have a sub panel or transformer & sub panel.

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Load Calculation Software

for Multifamily Dwellings & Duplex Dwellings  

Residential 1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a Residential 1-line drawing.

 More Information
 2023 Electrical Design/Build Guide
Project planning and design has never been easier or faster. Complicated and time consuming NEC references and calculations are listed in an easy to read format.  If you perform electrical design work this guide will pay for it self the very first time you use it.

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Trade Price Book
The trade pricing service for cost minded contractors. This pricing guide has over 26,000 material prices and is updated three (3) times per year. Additionally, this pricing guide is tabbed for easy use.

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Labor Units Manual

The all new Edition of the Electrical Contractor's Labor Units Manual is now available from Durand & Associates

More Information 


for Commercial and Industrial Applications
Panel 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing panel schedules, load calculations, and circuit directories.  More Information



for Commercial and Industrial Applications

1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a 1-line drawing.

With this program you may have up 24 panels fed from the main switchboard. Each panel may have a sub panel or transformer & sub panel.

 More Information

Load Calculation Software

for Multifamily Dwellings & Duplex Dwellings  

Residential 1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a Residential 1-line drawing.

 More Information
 2023 Electrical Design/Build Guide
Project planning and design has never been easier or faster. Complicated and time consuming NEC references and calculations are listed in an easy to read format.  If you perform electrical design work this guide will pay for it self the very first time you use it.

More Information

Trade Price Book
The trade pricing service for cost minded contractors. This pricing guide has over 26,000 material prices and is updated three (3) times per year. Additionally, this pricing guide is tabbed for easy use.

More Information

Labor Units Manual

The all new Edition of the Electrical Contractor's Labor Units Manual is now available from Durand & Associates

More Information 


for Commercial and Industrial Applications
Panel 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing panel schedules, load calculations, and circuit directories.  More Information



for Commercial and Industrial Applications

1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a 1-line drawing.

With this program you may have up 24 panels fed from the main switchboard. Each panel may have a sub panel or transformer & sub panel.

 More Information

Load Calculation Software

for Multifamily Dwellings & Duplex Dwellings  

Residential 1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a Residential 1-line drawing.

 More Information
 2023 Electrical Design/Build Guide
Project planning and design has never been easier or faster. Complicated and time consuming NEC references and calculations are listed in an easy to read format.  If you perform electrical design work this guide will pay for it self the very first time you use it.

More Information

Trade Price Book
The trade pricing service for cost minded contractors. This pricing guide has over 26,000 material prices and is updated three (3) times per year. Additionally, this pricing guide is tabbed for easy use.

More Information

Labor Units Manual

The all new Edition of the Electrical Contractor's Labor Units Manual is now available from Durand & Associates

More Information 


for Commercial and Industrial Applications
Panel 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing panel schedules, load calculations, and circuit directories.  More Information


Search Returned 143 -Listings for Manufacturers Reps for Washington State
Electrical Suppliers - Washington Contractors in Washington State
Wholesale Distributors Engineers in Washington State
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CED Aberdeen Aberdeen
CES Aberdeen Aberdeen
Platt Electric Supply Aberdeen
CED Anacortes Anacortes
Stoneway Electrical Supply Arlington
North Coast Electric Auburn
Platt Electric Supply Auburn
Platt Electric Supply Ballard
Group One Bellevue
North Coast Electric Bellevue
Platt Electric Supply Bellevue
All-Phase Electric Supply Bellingham Bellingham
Platt Electric Supply Bellingham
Platt Electric Supply Blaine
CED Bremerton Bremerton
North Coast Electric Bremerton
Platt Electric Supply Bremerton
Platt Electric Supply Buckley
All-Phase Electric Supply Burlington  Burlington
North Coast Electric Burlington
CES Centralia Centralia
Platt Electric Supply Chehalis
CES Clarkston Clarkston
CED Ellensburg Ellensburg
North Coast Electric Ellensburg
Platt Electric Supply Ellensburg
CED Everett Everett
Grainger Everett
Graybar Everett
North Coast Electric Everett
Platt Electric Supply Everett
Stoneway Electrical Supply Everett
Grainger Fife
Platt Electric Supply Grandview
Platt Electric Supply Issaquah
CED Kennewick Kennewick
KIE  Supply Kennewick
Platt Electric Supply Kennewick
Wesco Distribution Kennewick
CED Kent Kent
Gexpro Kent
Graybar Kent
North Coast Electric Kent
Platt Electric Supply Kent
Stoneway Electrical Supply Kent
Stusser Electric Kent Kent
CED Kirkland Kirkland
Boarder Sate Electric Supply Lacey
CED Lacey Lacey
Rainier Lighting & Electric Supply Lakewood
CES Longview Longview
North Coast Electric Longview
Platt Electric Supply Longview
North Coast Electric Lynnwood
Stoneway Electrical Supply Lynnwood
All-Phase Electric Supply Marysville  Marysville
Platt Electric Supply Marysville
Platt Electric Supply Monroe
CED Moses Lake  Moses Lake
CES Moses Lake Moses Lake
North Coast Electric Moses Lake
Platt Electric Supply Moses Lake
Stoneway Electrical Supply Moses Lake
Platt Electric Supply Mountlake Terrace
Platt Electric Supply Mt Vernon
Electrical Supply Distribution LLC Mukilteo
Motors & Controls Corp Olympia
Platt Electric Supply Olympia
Stusser Electric Olympia Olympia
CED Pasco Pasco
CES Pasco Pasco
Grainger Pasco
North Coast Electric Pasco
Platt Electric Supply Port Angeles
Platt Electric Supply Pullman
Stoneway Electrical Supply Pullman
CED Puyallup Puyallup
Platt Electric Supply Puyallup
1 Industrial Source Renton
Access Electric Supply Renton
Graybar Renton
Platt Electric Supply Renton
Wesco Distribution Renton
Stoneway Electrical Supply Richland
All Current Electrical Sales Seattle
Beck Electric Supply Seattle
Grainger Seattle
Houston Wire & Cable Seattle
Mobile Electrical Distributors Seattle
North American Breaker Co Inc Seattle
North Coast Electric Seattle
Pacific Lamp & Supply Company Seattle
Platt Electric Supply Seattle
Stoneway Electrical Supply Seattle
Stusser Electric Seattle Seattle
Atlas Electric Spokane
CED Spokane Spokane
Electrical Service Products Inc Spokane
Graybar Spokane
Nords Electric Supply Spokane
North Coast Electric Spokane
Platt Electric Supply Spokane
Stoneway Electrical Supply Spokane
Wesco Distribution Spokane
CES Spokane Valley Spokane Valley
Grainger Spokane Valley
Circuit Breaker Sales Sumner
Platt Electric Supply Sumner
CES Sunnyside Sunnyside
KIE  Supply Sunnyside
CED Tacoma Tacoma
Graybar Tacoma
North Coast Electric Tacoma
Platt Electric Supply Tacoma
Stoneway Electrical Supply Tacoma
Tacoma Electric Supply Tacoma
Grainger Tukwila
CED Vancouver Vancouver
CES Vancouver Vancouver
Circuit Breaker Sales Vancouver
Grover Electric & Plumbing Supply Vancouver
North Coast Electric Vancouver
Platt Electric Supply Vancouver
Home Depot Various Locations
CES Walla Walla Walla Walla
KIE  Supply Walla Walla
Stoneway Electrical Supply Walla Walla
Platt Electric Supply Warrenton
CED Wenatchee Wenatchee
North Coast Electric Wenatchee
Platt Electric Supply Wenatchee
Stoneway Electrical Supply Wenatchee
Electrical Hub Woodinville
Platt Electric Supply Woodinville
Stoneway Electrical Supply Woodinville
Platt Electric Supply Woodland
Boarder Sate Electric Supply Yakima
CED Yakima Yakima
CES Yakima Yakima
North Coast Electric Yakima
Platt Electric Supply Yakima
Stoneway Electrical Supply Yakima
Stusser Electric Yakima Yakima
1 Industrial Source Renton
Access Electric Supply Renton
All Current Electrical Sales Seattle
All-Phase Electric Supply Bellingham Bellingham
All-Phase Electric Supply Burlington  Burlington
All-Phase Electric Supply Marysville  Marysville
Atlas Electric Spokane
Beck Electric Supply Seattle
Boarder Sate Electric Supply Lacey
Boarder Sate Electric Supply Yakima
CED Aberdeen Aberdeen
CED Anacortes Anacortes
CED Bremerton Bremerton
CED Ellensburg Ellensburg
CED Everett Everett
CED Kennewick Kennewick
CED Kent Kent
CED Kirkland Kirkland
CED Lacey Lacey
CED Moses Lake  Moses Lake
CED Pasco Pasco
CED Puyallup Puyallup
CED Spokane Spokane
CED Tacoma Tacoma
CED Vancouver Vancouver
CED Wenatchee Wenatchee
CED Yakima Yakima
CES Aberdeen Aberdeen
CES Centralia Centralia
CES Clarkston Clarkston
CES Longview Longview
CES Moses Lake Moses Lake
CES Pasco Pasco
CES Spokane Valley Spokane Valley
CES Sunnyside Sunnyside
CES Vancouver Vancouver
CES Walla Walla Walla Walla
CES Yakima Yakima
Circuit Breaker Sales Sumner
Circuit Breaker Sales Vancouver
Electrical Hub Woodinville
Electrical Service Products Inc Spokane
Electrical Supply Distribution LLC Mukilteo
Gexpro Kent
Grainger Everett
Grainger Fife
Grainger Pasco
Grainger Seattle
Grainger Spokane Valley
Grainger Tukwila
Graybar Everett
Graybar Kent
Graybar Renton
Graybar Spokane
Graybar Tacoma
Group One Bellevue
Grover Electric & Plumbing Supply Vancouver
Home Depot Various Locations
Houston Wire & Cable Seattle
KIE  Supply Kennewick
KIE  Supply Sunnyside
KIE  Supply Walla Walla
Mobile Electrical Distributors Seattle
Motors & Controls Corp Olympia
Nords Electric Supply Spokane
North American Breaker Co Inc Seattle
North Coast Electric Auburn
North Coast Electric Bellevue
North Coast Electric Bremerton
North Coast Electric Burlington
North Coast Electric Ellensburg
North Coast Electric Everett
North Coast Electric Kent
North Coast Electric Longview
North Coast Electric Lynnwood
North Coast Electric Moses Lake
North Coast Electric Pasco
North Coast Electric Seattle
North Coast Electric Spokane
North Coast Electric Tacoma
North Coast Electric Vancouver
North Coast Electric Wenatchee
North Coast Electric Yakima
Pacific Lamp & Supply Company Seattle
Platt Electric Supply Aberdeen
Platt Electric Supply Auburn
Platt Electric Supply Ballard
Platt Electric Supply Bellevue
Platt Electric Supply Bellingham
Platt Electric Supply Blaine
Platt Electric Supply Bremerton
Platt Electric Supply Buckley
Platt Electric Supply Chehalis
Platt Electric Supply Ellensburg
Platt Electric Supply Everett
Platt Electric Supply Grandview
Platt Electric Supply Issaquah
Platt Electric Supply Kennewick
Platt Electric Supply Kent
Platt Electric Supply Longview
Platt Electric Supply Marysville
Platt Electric Supply Monroe
Platt Electric Supply Moses Lake
Platt Electric Supply Mountlake Terrace
Platt Electric Supply Mt Vernon
Platt Electric Supply Olympia
Platt Electric Supply Port Angeles
Platt Electric Supply Pullman
Platt Electric Supply Puyallup
Platt Electric Supply Renton
Platt Electric Supply Seattle
Platt Electric Supply Spokane
Platt Electric Supply Sumner
Platt Electric Supply Tacoma
Platt Electric Supply Vancouver
Platt Electric Supply Warrenton
Platt Electric Supply Wenatchee
Platt Electric Supply Woodinville
Platt Electric Supply Woodland
Platt Electric Supply Yakima
Rainier Lighting & Electric Supply Lakewood
Stoneway Electrical Supply Arlington
Stoneway Electrical Supply Everett
Stoneway Electrical Supply Kent
Stoneway Electrical Supply Lynnwood
Stoneway Electrical Supply Moses Lake
Stoneway Electrical Supply Pullman
Stoneway Electrical Supply Richland
Stoneway Electrical Supply Seattle
Stoneway Electrical Supply Spokane
Stoneway Electrical Supply Tacoma
Stoneway Electrical Supply Walla Walla
Stoneway Electrical Supply Wenatchee
Stoneway Electrical Supply Woodinville
Stoneway Electrical Supply Yakima
Stusser Electric Kent Kent
Stusser Electric Olympia Olympia
Stusser Electric Seattle Seattle
Stusser Electric Yakima Yakima
Tacoma Electric Supply Tacoma
Wesco Distribution Kennewick
Wesco Distribution Renton
Wesco Distribution Spokane