Electrical Suppliers


 Copyright - Durand & Associates  
for Commercial and Industrial Applications
Panel 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing panel schedules, load calculations, and circuit directories.  More Information



for Commercial and Industrial Applications

1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a 1-line drawing.

With this program you may have up 24 panels fed from the main switchboard. Each panel may have a sub panel or transformer & sub panel.

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Load Calculation Software

for Multifamily Dwellings & Duplex Dwellings  

Residential 1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a Residential 1-line drawing.

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 2023 Electrical Design/Build Guide
Project planning and design has never been easier or faster. Complicated and time consuming NEC references and calculations are listed in an easy to read format.  If you perform electrical design work this guide will pay for it self the very first time you use it.

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Trade Price Book
The trade pricing service for cost minded contractors. This pricing guide has over 26,000 material prices and is updated three (3) times per year. Additionally, this pricing guide is tabbed for easy use.

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Labor Units Manual

The all new Edition of the Electrical Contractor's Labor Units Manual is now available from Durand & Associates

More Information 


for Commercial and Industrial Applications
Panel 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing panel schedules, load calculations, and circuit directories.  More Information



for Commercial and Industrial Applications

1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a 1-line drawing.

With this program you may have up 24 panels fed from the main switchboard. Each panel may have a sub panel or transformer & sub panel.

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Load Calculation Software

for Multifamily Dwellings & Duplex Dwellings  

Residential 1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a Residential 1-line drawing.

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 2023 Electrical Design/Build Guide
Project planning and design has never been easier or faster. Complicated and time consuming NEC references and calculations are listed in an easy to read format.  If you perform electrical design work this guide will pay for it self the very first time you use it.

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Trade Price Book
The trade pricing service for cost minded contractors. This pricing guide has over 26,000 material prices and is updated three (3) times per year. Additionally, this pricing guide is tabbed for easy use.

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Labor Units Manual

The all new Edition of the Electrical Contractor's Labor Units Manual is now available from Durand & Associates

More Information 




Search Returned  189 -Listings for Manufacturers Reps for Northern California
Electrical Suppliers - Northern California Contractors in Northern California
Wholesale Distributors Engineers in California
For Alphabetical Listings Scroll Down  
Alameda Electrical Distributors Alameda
CED Antioch Antioch
One Source Distributors Antioch
Edges Electrical Group Auburn
General Wholesale Electric Supply Auburn
Sierra Circuit Breaker Auburn
CED Bay Area Bay Area
Circuit Breaker Guys Benicia
All Industrial Electric Supply Burlingame
Grainger Burlingame
LiveWire Supply Burlingame
Greentech Capitola
Royal Wholesale Electric Capitola
CED Chico Chico
Greentech Chico
Platt Electric Supply Chico
United Electric Supply Chino
Grainger Citrus Heights
Platt Electric Supply Clovis
Platt Electric Supply Clovis
American Ace Supply Concord
Grainger Concord
Graybar Concord
One Source Distributors Concord
Platt Electric Supply Concord
Wesco Distribution Concord
Platt Electric Supply Delano
Platt Electric Supply Diamond Springs
Alameda Electrical Distributors Dublin
Graybar Dublin
Platt Electric Supply Elk Grove
Campton Electric Supply Eureka
Platt Electric Supply Eureka
CED Fairfield Fairfield
Main Electric Supply Fairfield
Platt Electric Supply Fairfield
Rexel Inc Fairfield
Platt Electric Supply Fremont
All Phase Electric Supply Fresno
CED Fresno Fresno
Grainger Fresno
Graybar Fresno
Greentech Fresno
One Source Distributors Fresno
Platt Electric Supply Fresno
Rexel Inc Fresno
Wesco Distribution Fresno
Edges Electrical Group Gilroy
Alameda Electrical Distributors Goshen
CED Grass Valey Grass Valley
Platt Electric Supply Grass Valley
D & F Liquidators Hayward
Greentech Hayward
Rexel Inc Hayward
CED Jackson Jackson
General Wholesale Electric Supply Livermore
Karish Industries Livermore
Platt Electric Supply Livermore
Rexel Inc Livermore
CED Lodi Lodi
Platt Electric Supply Madera
Greentech McClellan
All Phase Electric Supply Merced
CED Merced Merced
Platt Electric Supply Merced
Contractors Electrical Distributors Milpitas
Alameda Electrical Distributors Modesto
Bay Power Modesto
Choice Lighting Supply Modesto
Graybar Modesto
Platt Electric Supply Modesto
Rexel Inc Modesto
United Circuit Breaker Inc Modesto
Wille Electric Supply Company Modesto
Edges Electrical Group Monterey
Platt Electric Supply Morgan Hill
CED Napa Napa
One Source Distributors Napa
Platt Electric Supply Napa
American Ace Supply Oakland
Rexel Inc Oakland
All Phase Electric Supply Palmdale
Alameda Electrical Distributors Paso Robles
Platt Electric Supply Patterson
Platt Electric Supply Petaluma
CED Rancho Cordova Rancho Cordova
Edges Electrical Group Rancho Cordova
Platt Electric Supply Rancho Cordova
North Valley Distributing Red Bluff
CED Redding Redding
Greentech Redding
North Valley Distributing Redding
Platt Electric Supply Redding
Rexel Inc Redding
Beck Electric Supply Richmond
Laner Electric Supply Richmond
Platt Electric Supply Richmond
Allemand Electric Supply Rohnert Park
Grainger Rohnert Park
Bay Power Roseville
CED Roseville Roseville
Platt Electric Supply Roseville
Contractors Electrical Distributors Sacramento
Edges Electrical Group Sacramento
Graybar Sacramento
Main Electric Supply Sacramento
One Source Distributors Sacramento
Platt Electric Supply Sacramento
Rexel Inc Sacramento
Saf-Com Supply Inc Sacramento
Wesco Distribution Sacramento
Alameda Electrical Distributors Salinas
CED Salinas Salinas
Edges Electrical Group Salinas
Grainger Salinas
Platt Electric Supply Salinas
Rexel Inc Salinas
SFO Representatives Inc San Carlos
Alameda Electrical Distributors San Francisco
American Ace Supply San Francisco
Contractors Electrical Distributors San Francisco
DDC Electric & Plumbing Supply San Francisco
Graybar San Francisco
Houston Wire & Cable San Francisco
Industrial Electric Wire & Cable San Francisco
Universal Electric Supply San Francisco
Alameda Electrical Distributors San Jose
American Ace Supply San Jose
Bay Power San Jose
Edges Electrical Group San Jose
Grainger San Jose
Graybar San Jose
Greentech San Jose
LC Plumbing & Electrical Supply San Jose
American Ace Supply San Leandro
DDC Electric & Plumbing Supply San Leandro
Edges Electrical Group San Leandro
Grainger San Leandro
One Source Distributors San Leandro
Wille Electric Supply Company San Leandro
CED San Louis Obispo San Louis Obispo
CED San Rafael San Rafael
Platt Electric Supply San Rafael
Royal Wholesale Electric San Rafael
Alameda Electrical Distributors Sand City
CED Sand City Sand City
Bell Electrical Supply Santa Clara
Consolidated Parts Santa Clara
DDC Electric & Plumbing Supply Santa Clara
Wesco Distribution Santa Clara
CED Santa Rosa Santa Rosa
Electrical Supply of Santa Rosa Santa Rosa
Graybar Santa Rosa
Greentech Santa Rosa
One Source Distributors Santa Rosa
Platt Electric Supply Santa Rosa
Rexel Inc Santa Rosa
CED Sonora Sonora
General Wholesale Electric Supply Sonora
One Source Distributors Soquel
Tahoe Valley Electric Supply South Lake Tahoe
CED Stockton Stockton
Edges Electrical Group Stockton
Grainger Stockton
Greentech Stockton
Platt Electric Supply Stockton
Rexel Inc Stockton
Wille Electric Supply Company Stockton
Edges Electrical Group Susanville
Platt Electric Supply Tracy
CED Truckee Truckee
Edges Electrical Group Truckee
Cal State Distributing Inc Tulare
CED Tulare Tulare
Edges Electrical Group Turlock
One Source Distributors Turlock
Platt Electric Supply Ukiah
Platt Electric Supply Vacaville
Home Depot Various Locations
Lowes Various Locations
CED Visalia Visalia
Graybar Visalia
Platt Electric Supply Visalia
Valley Electrical Supplies Visalia
Platt Electric Supply Watsonville
Grainger West Sacramento
Platt Electric Supply Woodland
CED Yuba City Yuba City
Platt Electric Supply Yuba City
Alameda Electrical Distributors Alameda
Alameda Electrical Distributors Dublin
Alameda Electrical Distributors Goshen
Alameda Electrical Distributors Modesto
Alameda Electrical Distributors Paso Robles
Alameda Electrical Distributors Salinas
Alameda Electrical Distributors San Francisco
Alameda Electrical Distributors San Jose
Alameda Electrical Distributors Sand City
All Industrial Electric Supply Burlingame
All Phase Electric Supply Fresno
All Phase Electric Supply Merced
All Phase Electric Supply Palmdale
Allemand Electric Supply Rohnert Park
American Ace Supply Concord
American Ace Supply Oakland
American Ace Supply San Francisco
American Ace Supply San Jose
American Ace Supply San Leandro
Bay Power Modesto
Bay Power Roseville
Bay Power San Jose
Beck Electric Supply Richmond
Bell Electrical Supply Santa Clara
Cal State Distributing Inc Tulare
Campton Electric Supply Eureka
CED Antioch Antioch
CED Bay Area Bay Area
CED Chico Chico
CED Fairfield Fairfield
CED Fresno Fresno
CED Grass Valey Grass Valley
CED Jackson Jackson
CED Lodi Lodi
CED Merced Merced
CED Napa Napa
CED Rancho Cordova Rancho Cordova
CED Redding Redding
CED Roseville Roseville
CED Salinas Salinas
CED San Louis Obispo San Louis Obispo
CED San Rafael San Rafael
CED Sand City Sand City
CED Santa Rosa Santa Rosa
CED Sonora Sonora
CED Stockton Stockton
CED Truckee Truckee
CED Tulare Tulare
CED Visalia Visalia
CED Yuba City Yuba City
Choice Lighting Supply Modesto
Circuit Breaker Guys Benicia
Consolidated Parts Santa Clara
Contractors Electrical Distributors Milpitas
Contractors Electrical Distributors Sacramento
Contractors Electrical Distributors San Francisco
D & F Liquidators Hayward
DDC Electric & Plumbing Supply San Francisco
DDC Electric & Plumbing Supply San Leandro
DDC Electric & Plumbing Supply Santa Clara
Edges Electrical Group Auburn
Edges Electrical Group Gilroy
Edges Electrical Group Monterey
Edges Electrical Group Rancho Cordova
Edges Electrical Group Sacramento
Edges Electrical Group Salinas
Edges Electrical Group San Jose
Edges Electrical Group San Leandro
Edges Electrical Group Stockton
Edges Electrical Group Susanville
Edges Electrical Group Truckee
Edges Electrical Group Turlock
Electrical Supply of Santa Rosa Santa Rosa
General Wholesale Electric Supply Auburn
General Wholesale Electric Supply Livermore
General Wholesale Electric Supply Sonora
Grainger Burlingame
Grainger Citrus Heights
Grainger Concord
Grainger Fresno
Grainger Rohnert Park
Grainger Salinas
Grainger San Jose
Grainger San Leandro
Grainger Stockton
Grainger West Sacramento
Graybar Concord
Graybar Dublin
Graybar Fresno
Graybar Modesto
Graybar Sacramento
Graybar San Francisco
Graybar San Jose
Graybar Santa Rosa
Graybar Visalia
Greentech Capitola
Greentech Chico
Greentech Fresno
Greentech Hayward
Greentech McClellan
Greentech Redding
Greentech San Jose
Greentech Santa Rosa
Greentech Stockton
Home Depot Various Locations
Houston Wire & Cable San Francisco
Industrial Electric Wire & Cable San Francisco
Karish Industries Livermore
Laner Electric Supply Richmond
LC Plumbing & Electrical Supply San Jose
LiveWire Supply Burlingame
Lowes Various Locations
Main Electric Supply Fairfield
Main Electric Supply Sacramento
North Valley Distributing Red Bluff
North Valley Distributing Redding
One Source Distributors Antioch
One Source Distributors Concord
One Source Distributors Fresno
One Source Distributors Napa
One Source Distributors Sacramento
One Source Distributors San Leandro
One Source Distributors Santa Rosa
One Source Distributors Soquel
One Source Distributors Turlock
Platt Electric Supply Chico
Platt Electric Supply Clovis
Platt Electric Supply Clovis
Platt Electric Supply Concord
Platt Electric Supply Delano
Platt Electric Supply Diamond Springs
Platt Electric Supply Elk Grove
Platt Electric Supply Eureka
Platt Electric Supply Fairfield
Platt Electric Supply Fremont
Platt Electric Supply Fresno
Platt Electric Supply Grass Valley
Platt Electric Supply Livermore
Platt Electric Supply Madera
Platt Electric Supply Merced
Platt Electric Supply Modesto
Platt Electric Supply Morgan Hill
Platt Electric Supply Napa
Platt Electric Supply Patterson
Platt Electric Supply Petaluma
Platt Electric Supply Rancho Cordova
Platt Electric Supply Redding
Platt Electric Supply Richmond
Platt Electric Supply Roseville
Platt Electric Supply Sacramento
Platt Electric Supply Salinas
Platt Electric Supply San Rafael
Platt Electric Supply Santa Rosa
Platt Electric Supply Stockton
Platt Electric Supply Tracy
Platt Electric Supply Ukiah
Platt Electric Supply Vacaville
Platt Electric Supply Visalia
Platt Electric Supply Watsonville
Platt Electric Supply Woodland
Platt Electric Supply Yuba City
Rexel Inc Fairfield
Rexel Inc Fresno
Rexel Inc Hayward
Rexel Inc Livermore
Rexel Inc Modesto
Rexel Inc Oakland
Rexel Inc Redding
Rexel Inc Sacramento
Rexel Inc Salinas
Rexel Inc Santa Rosa
Rexel Inc Stockton
Royal Wholesale Electric Capitola
Royal Wholesale Electric San Rafael
Saf-Com Supply Inc Sacramento
SFO Representatives Inc San Carlos
Sierra Circuit Breaker Auburn
Tahoe Valley Electric Supply South Lake Tahoe
United Circuit Breaker Inc Modesto
United Electric Supply Chino
Universal Electric Supply San Francisco
Valley Electrical Supplies Visalia
Wesco Distribution Concord
Wesco Distribution Fresno
Wesco Distribution Sacramento
Wesco Distribution Santa Clara
Wille Electric Supply Company Modesto
Wille Electric Supply Company San Leandro
Wille Electric Supply Company Stockton