Electrical Contractors


 Copyright - Durand & Associates  
for Commercial and Industrial Applications
Panel 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing panel schedules, load calculations, and circuit directories.  More Information



for Commercial and Industrial Applications

1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a 1-line drawing.

With this program you may have up 24 panels fed from the main switchboard. Each panel may have a sub panel or transformer & sub panel.

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Load Calculation Software

for Multifamily Dwellings & Duplex Dwellings  

Residential 1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a Residential 1-line drawing.

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 2023 Electrical Design/Build Guide
Project planning and design has never been easier or faster. Complicated and time consuming NEC references and calculations are listed in an easy to read format.  If you perform electrical design work this guide will pay for it self the very first time you use it.

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Trade Price Book
The trade pricing service for cost minded contractors. This pricing guide has over 26,000 material prices and is updated three (3) times per year. Additionally, this pricing guide is tabbed for easy use.

More Information

Labor Units Manual

The all new Edition of the Electrical Contractor's Labor Units Manual is now available from Durand & Associates

More Information 




Search Returned 202 - Listings for

Manufacturers Reps for Kansas
Electrical Contractors - Kansas Suppliers in Kansas
Electricians - Kansas Engineers in Kansas
For Alphabetical Listings Scroll Down  
Linder Electric Inc  Abilene
KC Electrical Contractors  Acthison
Knox Electrical  Agenda
Alternative Electric LLC  Andover
Eck Services  Anthony
Mayers Electric  Arkansas City
Hawk Electric  Atchison
Wheat State Electric Company LLC  Augusta
Heineken Electric Co Inc  Beloit
Pro Electrical Service  Benton
Metro Electric  Bonner Springs
Legitimate Electric  Burrton
Tinsley Electric Company LLC  Canton
SEK Solar  Chanute
Cheney Electric Service Inc  Cheney
Davis Electric Inc  Cimarron
Kirmer Electric  Claflin
Schwab Electric LLC  Clifton
Gideon's Source of Kansas Inc  Derby
House's Electric LLC  El Dorado
Greald Schumann Electric Inc  Emporia
Shelley Electric  Emporia
3G Electric  Garden City
J & L Electric LLC  Garden City
J & T Electric LLC  Garden City
Sperry Construction & Electric  Garden City
Chapman Electric  Gardner
Wolken Plumbing & Electrical Inc  Garnett
P & S Electric  Great Bend
Silverado Electric Inc  Great Bend
Kollman Electric  Hays
RDH Electric & Construction Inc  Hays
EZ Electric Haysville
Tracy Electric Inc  Haysville
Elcon Services Inc  Hillsboro
Miller Electric  Hollenberg
Luke Dillon Electric LLC  Holton
Riley Electric Inc  Holton
Prairie Electric LLC  Hoyt
Boman Electric  Hutchinson
Eck Services  Hutchinson
Kraft Electric Inc  Hutchinson
Service Plus Electrical  Hutchinson
T & B Electric LLC  Hutchinson
Zenor Electric Co Inc  Hutchinson
Kendrek Electric  Kansas 
8Bit Electric  Kansas City
Alpha Energy & Electric Inc  Kansas City
Anderson Electrical  Kansas City
Capital Electric  Kansas City
Core Electric  Kansas City
Current Solutions Electric  Kansas City
Device Electric LLC  Kansas City
Dodson Electric  Kansas City
Electrical Corporation of America  Kansas City
Electrical Service Professional of KC  Kansas City
Excalibur Electrical Kansas City
Galvin Electric Company  Kansas City
Geisler Electric Security Automation  Kansas City
In The Light Electrical  Kansas City
JR Electric  Kansas City
Kaw Valley Solar  Kansas City
KC Dynamic Wiring  Kansas City
KC One  Kansas City
Lynn Electric & Communications Inc  Kansas City
Mark One Electric Co  Kansas City
Matt-Mark Service Co  Kansas City
Mike Hagen Electric  Kansas City
Mister Sparky of Kansas City  Kansas City
Mr Electric of Kansas City  Kansas City
P1 Group Inc  Kansas City
Pro Electric  Kansas City
RS Electric Corp  Kansas City
Schultz Electric  Kansas City
Staco Electric Construction Co  Kansas City
The WireMan  Kansas City
Westhues Electric  Kansas City
Eck Services  Kingman
Del Sol Electric  Lawrence
Hemel Electric  Lawrence
iWire Electric Service Lawrence
Lynn Electric & Communications Inc  Lawrence
P1 Group Inc  Lawrence
Randall Electric Inc  Lawrence
Crockett Electric Company  Leavenworth
Laven Electric  Leavenworth
FGS 40 Lenexa
Hensley Electric Inc  Lenexa
KAL Electric Inc  Lenexa
Mass Electric Construction Company Lenexa
P1 Group Inc  Lenexa
Potts Electric LLC Lenexa
Power KC  Lenexa
Ryan Electric  Lenexa
Tann Electric  Lenexa
Teague Electric  Lenexa
Xtreme Electric  Lenexa
Economy Electric Inc  Manhattan
Geisler Electric Security Automation  Manhattan
Heineken Electric Co Inc  Manhattan
Interstate Electric & Engineering Co  Manhattan
P1 Group Inc  Manhattan
Robert's Electric  Manhattan
Torgeson Electric  Manhattan
TTI Electrical Services  McPhersom
Hedlund Electric  McPherson
Industrial Electric Company  McPherson
Johnson Electric Contracting LLC  McPherson
Eck Services  Medicine Lodge
Scott The Electrician  Merriam
SJ Electric  Merriam
Jeremy Electrical  Mission
Westfall Electric  Mulvane
Kansas Electric  Newton
Kaye Electric Inc  Newton
Clayco Electric  North Kansas City
Empowered Electric North Kansas City
North Kansas City Electric  North Kansas City
Trinity Electric  North Sioux City
KB Electric  Offerle
Amped Electric  Olathe
Bickimer Electric  Olathe
Electrical Associates  Olathe
Heritage Electric Olathe
Jason Wright Electric  Olathe
Landis Electric LLC  Olathe
Phaze One Electric  Olathe
Robbins Electric  Olathe
Gibson Electric LLC  Ottawa
435 Electric  Overland Park
Fusion Electric Overland Park
Hoskins Electric  Overland Park
JMC Electric  Overland Park
KL Electric Inc  Overland Park
Mr Electric of Overland Park  Overland Park
Pure Light Electric LLC  Overland Park
Mr Electric of Paola  Paola
3D Plumbing & Electric  Park City
Core Contractors  Park City
Seward Electric  Pittsburg
Blaine's Electric LLC  Plainville
Eck Services  Pratt
Sackett Electric  Rose Hill
Accurate Electric  Salina
D & W Electric  Salina
Heineken Electric Co Inc  Salina
Jae's Electric LLC  Salina
Precision Electric Contractors LLC  Salina
Will Electric Inc  Salina
Electrical Freedom  Shawnee
Integrated Electric  Shawnee
Johnny's Electrical Services LLC  Shawnee
Power Up Electric  Shawnee
Jones Electrical  Smith Center
Able Electric  Terrace
City Wide Electric  Topeka
CWC Electric  Topeka
Davis Electrical Construction  Topeka
DL Smith Electric  Topeka
Electrical Specialist  Topeka
Greenwave Electric  Topeka
RS Electric Corp  Topeka
Shelley Electric  Topeka
Torgeson Electric  Topeka
Warner Electric  Topeka
Coleman Electric  Wamego
A & A Electric LLC  Wichita
A & H Electric  Wichita
Advance Electric Inc  Wichita
ARC Electric  Wichita
B & C Services  Wichita
Belford Electric  Wichita
Brockmeyer Inc Electrical Contractor  Wichita
Bybee Electric  Wichita
Creek Electric  Wichita
Dearinger Electric  Wichita
Decker Electric  Wichita
Devon Electric LLC  Wichita
Eck Services  Wichita
Electrical Systems Inc Wichita
ElectriCraft Inc Wichita
Elite Electric Company Wichita
Enegren Solar Wichita
Graf Electric  Wichita
Greenway Electric Inc  Wichita
Integrity Trade Services  Wichita
Kendrek Electric  Wichita
Kilian Electrical Service Inc  Wichita
Linder & Associates  Wichita
Linnebur Electric Inc  Wichita
Lit Electric LLC  Wichita
Mr Electric of Wichita  Wichita
Phillips Southern Electric  Wichita
Raceway Electric  Wichita
Schen Electric  Wichita
Shelley Electric  Wichita
Southwestern Electrical Company  Wichita
Wichita Electric Company Inc  Wichita
Young Electric  Wichita
Ziegler Electric  Wichita
JK Electrical Contracting LLC  Yates Center
KJ Electrical Contractind LLC  Yates Center
3D Plumbing & Electric  Park City
3G Electric  Garden City
435 Electric  Overland Park
8Bit Electric  Kansas City
A & A Electric LLC  Wichita
A & H Electric  Wichita
Able Electric  Terrace
Accurate Electric  Salina
Advance Electric Inc  Wichita
Alpha Energy & Electric Inc  Kansas City
Alternative Electric LLC  Andover
Amped Electric  Olathe
Anderson Electrical  Kansas City
ARC Electric  Wichita
B & C Services  Wichita
Belford Electric  Wichita
Bickimer Electric  Olathe
Blaine's Electric LLC  Plainville
Boman Electric  Hutchinson
Brockmeyer Inc Electrical Contractor  Wichita
Bybee Electric  Wichita
Capital Electric  Kansas City
Chapman Electric  Gardner
Cheney Electric Service Inc  Cheney
City Wide Electric  Topeka
Clayco Electric  North Kansas City
Coleman Electric  Wamego
Core Contractors  Park City
Core Electric  Kansas City
Creek Electric  Wichita
Crockett Electric Company  Leavenworth
Current Solutions Electric  Kansas City
CWC Electric  Topeka
D & W Electric  Salina
Davis Electric Inc  Cimarron
Davis Electrical Construction  Topeka
Dearinger Electric  Wichita
Decker Electric  Wichita
Del Sol Electric  Lawrence
Device Electric LLC  Kansas City
Devon Electric LLC  Wichita
DL Smith Electric  Topeka
Dodson Electric  Kansas City
Eck Services  Anthony
Eck Services  Hutchinson
Eck Services  Kingman
Eck Services  Medicine Lodge
Eck Services  Pratt
Eck Services  Wichita
Economy Electric Inc  Manhattan
Elcon Services Inc  Hillsboro
Electrical Associates  Olathe
Electrical Corporation of America  Kansas City
Electrical Freedom  Shawnee
Electrical Service Professional of KC  Kansas City
Electrical Specialist  Topeka
Electrical Systems Inc Wichita
ElectriCraft Inc Wichita
Elite Electric Company Wichita
Empowered Electric North Kansas City
Enegren Solar Wichita
Excalibur Electrical Kansas City
EZ Electric Haysville
FGS 40 Lenexa
Fusion Electric Overland Park
Galvin Electric Company  Kansas City
Geisler Electric Security Automation  Kansas City
Geisler Electric Security Automation  Manhattan
Gibson Electric LLC  Ottawa
Gideon's Source of Kansas Inc  Derby
Graf Electric  Wichita
Greald Schumann Electric Inc  Emporia
Greenwave Electric  Topeka
Greenway Electric Inc  Wichita
Hawk Electric  Atchison
Hedlund Electric  McPherson
Heineken Electric Co Inc  Beloit
Heineken Electric Co Inc  Manhattan
Heineken Electric Co Inc  Salina
Hemel Electric  Lawrence
Hensley Electric Inc  Lenexa
Heritage Electric Olathe
Hoskins Electric  Overland Park
House's Electric LLC  El Dorado
In The Light Electrical  Kansas City
Industrial Electric Company  McPherson
Integrated Electric  Shawnee
Integrity Trade Services  Wichita
Interstate Electric & Engineering Co  Manhattan
iWire Electric Service Lawrence
J & L Electric LLC  Garden City
J & T Electric LLC  Garden City
Jae's Electric LLC  Salina
Jason Wright Electric  Olathe
Jeremy Electrical  Mission
JK Electrical Contracting LLC  Yates Center
JMC Electric  Overland Park
Johnny's Electrical Services LLC  Shawnee
Johnson Electric Contracting LLC  McPherson
Jones Electrical  Smith Center
JR Electric  Kansas City
KAL Electric Inc  Lenexa
Kansas Electric  Newton
Kaw Valley Solar  Kansas City
Kaye Electric Inc  Newton
KB Electric  Offerle
KC Dynamic Wiring  Kansas City
KC Electrical Contractors  Acthison
KC One  Kansas City
Kendrek Electric  Kansas 
Kendrek Electric  Wichita
Kilian Electrical Service Inc  Wichita
Kirmer Electric  Claflin
KJ Electrical Contractind LLC  Yates Center
KL Electric Inc  Overland Park
Knox Electrical  Agenda
Kollman Electric  Hays
Kraft Electric Inc  Hutchinson
Landis Electric LLC  Olathe
Laven Electric  Leavenworth
Legitimate Electric  Burrton
Linder & Associates  Wichita
Linder Electric Inc  Abilene
Linnebur Electric Inc  Wichita
Lit Electric LLC  Wichita
Luke Dillon Electric LLC  Holton
Lynn Electric & Communications Inc  Kansas City
Lynn Electric & Communications Inc  Lawrence
Mark One Electric Co  Kansas City
Mass Electric Construction Company Lenexa
Matt-Mark Service Co  Kansas City
Mayers Electric  Arkansas City
Metro Electric  Bonner Springs
Mike Hagen Electric  Kansas City
Miller Electric  Hollenberg
Mister Sparky of Kansas City  Kansas City
Mr Electric of Kansas City  Kansas City
Mr Electric of Overland Park  Overland Park
Mr Electric of Paola  Paola
Mr Electric of Wichita  Wichita
North Kansas City Electric  North Kansas City
P & S Electric  Great Bend
P1 Group Inc  Kansas City
P1 Group Inc  Lawrence
P1 Group Inc  Lenexa
P1 Group Inc  Manhattan
Phaze One Electric  Olathe
Phillips Southern Electric  Wichita
Potts Electric LLC Lenexa
Power KC  Lenexa
Power Up Electric  Shawnee
Prairie Electric LLC  Hoyt
Precision Electric Contractors LLC  Salina
Pro Electric  Kansas City
Pro Electrical Service  Benton
Pure Light Electric LLC  Overland Park
Raceway Electric  Wichita
Randall Electric Inc  Lawrence
RDH Electric & Construction Inc  Hays
Riley Electric Inc  Holton
Robbins Electric  Olathe
Robert's Electric  Manhattan
RS Electric Corp  Kansas City
RS Electric Corp  Topeka
Ryan Electric  Lenexa
Sackett Electric  Rose Hill
Schen Electric  Wichita
Schultz Electric  Kansas City
Schwab Electric LLC  Clifton
Scott The Electrician  Merriam
SEK Solar  Chanute
Service Plus Electrical  Hutchinson
Seward Electric  Pittsburg
Shelley Electric  Emporia
Shelley Electric  Topeka
Shelley Electric  Wichita
Silverado Electric Inc  Great Bend
SJ Electric  Merriam
Southwestern Electrical Company  Wichita
Sperry Construction & Electric  Garden City
Staco Electric Construction Co  Kansas City
T & B Electric LLC  Hutchinson
Tann Electric  Lenexa
Teague Electric  Lenexa
The WireMan  Kansas City
Tinsley Electric Company LLC  Canton
Torgeson Electric  Manhattan
Torgeson Electric  Topeka
Tracy Electric Inc  Haysville
Trinity Electric  North Sioux City
TTI Electrical Services  McPhersom
Warner Electric  Topeka
Westfall Electric  Mulvane
Westhues Electric  Kansas City
Wheat State Electric Company LLC  Augusta
Wichita Electric Company Inc  Wichita
Will Electric Inc  Salina
Wolken Plumbing & Electrical Inc  Garnett
Xtreme Electric  Lenexa
Young Electric  Wichita
Zenor Electric Co Inc  Hutchinson
Ziegler Electric  Wichita