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for Commercial and Industrial Applications
Panel 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing panel schedules, load calculations, and circuit directories.  More Information



for Commercial and Industrial Applications

1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a 1-line drawing.

With this program you may have up 24 panels fed from the main switchboard. Each panel may have a sub panel or transformer & sub panel.

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Electrical Manufacturer Representatives
A L Pickens Company Inc
Arthur A Boyle Company Inc
BR Lighting & Controls
Bunell & Associates
Calles Kingsley Electrical Sales
Casey Electric Sales Inc
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Core Technologies
Electra Products Agency
EMS Partners
ESL Spectrum Lighting
GM Sales
Harrison Sales Company
King Lighting Inc
Kirker Kubala Inc
L P Click Company
Lake Michigan Sales
Lester Sales Company LLC
LHI Lighting & Controls
Lumenation Lighting
McDonald Associates Inc
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Pearson-Becker Manufacturers Rep
Pfeiffer Sales Company
PG enlighten
Principal Sales Inc
PRM Associates
Professional Lighting Services
Riffle & Associates
Specified Lighting Systems
Summit Sales & Marketing
VGL Resources Group Inc
Weldy-Lamont Associates Inc.
Wiltrout Sales Inc
Young & Champagne Electric Sales
Suppliers in Indiana
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Engineers in Indiana
Labor Units Manual 

Take the guess work out of estimating. Just a touch of the fingertip accesses labor units for over twenty thousand items. These labor units are realistic and competitive and will prove to be of great value to any organization..

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Load Calculation Software

for Multifamily Dwellings & Duplex Dwellings  

Residential 1-Line 2023 is a full function design package that will simplify the time consuming task of preparing 1-line drawings, panel schedules, and load calculations. Simply input the loads for your sub panels and the program will create a Residential 1-line drawing.

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